Vandalism Update

Vandalism Update:  The gardening staff reported that the girl’s bathroom window has been broken, while the men’s room window has been boarded up due to continuous breakage.

  • If witnessing vandalism in progress, call the SFPD non-emergency phone number: 415-553-0123

  • If reporting evidence of vandalism, call San Francisco Park Rangers: 415-242 6390 or 311

Park Maintenance Announcements

Water Leaks:  SFRPD plumbers will utilize a camera to search for the ongoing water leak at the Jackson/Steiner entry. We’ve also observed a wall leak on Jackson near Pierce. While irrigation has been reduced in this area, speculation is possible French drain failure which will be investigated.

Gardening Staff: Congratulations are in order for Alta Plaza Park gardener Roberto Chavez upon his promotion to Assistant Park Services Supervisor/Captain. Joe Copestake returns to Alta Plaza Park after having served at Lafayette Park for a decade. He replaces Emma Theoni who has been re-assigned to the Palace of Fine Arts.

Next Phase: Park Restoration & Enhancement

The FOAPP board has endorsed an agreement with the San Francisco Parks Alliance (SFPA), a city-wide parks advocacy organization that provides 501©3 status, fiscal management, fundraising consultation services, and event planning for its park partners. 

FOAPP is now working with Miller Company, Landscape Architects, the designers of the Alta Plaza Park Master Plan approved by the Parks Commission in 2016. Cost estimates and funding sources are being explored to pursue two safety-related priorities: park lighting and pathway restoration.