November 2016 Community Update

To all of our park supporters,

The following provides you with an update on the revised timeline and scope for the Alta Plaza Park North Side Project.


  • Construction drawings to 90% completion: November 2016
  • Finalize drawings in preparation for bid process: December 2016 – February 2017
  • Project construction bid and award prices: February – July 2017
  • Construction duration: July 2017 - February 2018


  • Project staffing change at San Francisco Recreation and Park Department (SFRPD)
  • Cost estimates executed on project construction drawings at 60% completion came in well over budget
  • Estimated cost overages necessitated project scope revision


  • North side irrigation system replacement
  • French drain installation along much of perimeter to eradicate water seepage onto sidewalks
  • Installation of drought tolerant sod on upper lawn and on hill north of playground
  • One new pathway at Scott St. /Washington St. entrance
    • This pathway starts at the Scott St. / Washington St. entrance, continues east up the hill and then heads right at the fork,  turns right at the playground then runs along the west side of the playground to connect with the new donor recognition site.
  • Donor recognition site with curved bench
  • New benches
  • New landscaping at all, north and south, entrances in accordance with the Master Plan specifications
  • Refurbished kiosk at playground with decorative tiles denoting principal playground donor name


  • Installation of donated bike racks
  • New trash receptacles
  • Signage


  • Remaining pathways
  • Deteriorating walls, bollards and stairs 
  • Lighting (FOAPP Community Opportunity Fund application was denied)
  • New picnic area furniture
  • Maintenance area with storage shed
  • Additional landscaping
  • Dog bag receptacles


  • Pathways
  • Terrace landscaping 
  • Deteriorating walls, bollards and stairs
  • Central plaza
  • Playground area landscaping and trees
  • Pergola
  • Lighting
  • Benches
  • Trash receptacles
  • Hand railings
  • Signage 
  • Dog bag receptacles



With no additional funding commitment from SFRPD, Friends of Alta Plaza Park (FOAPP) began their outreach to the community.  Our lofty goal was to raise $1.5MM to cover the unfunded components of the North Side Project only and fully complete the north side.

(The revised estimated cost of the project now makes this initial goal greatly insufficient.)

This initial outreach has brought in:  $16,500.

Additionally, we have one $5,000 contribution for a new commemorative bench.

(A $5,000 contribution for a commemorative bench (10 year term) provides the park with a new bench and all money remaining from the cost of the bench, installation and personalized plaque goes directly into the North Side Project.)

If you are interested in making a donation please go to:  Please contact Paula Martin at to request a commemorative bench. 



Alta Plaza Park’s infrastructure continues to deteriorate (walls, stairs, pathways, etc.) and, as we have witnessed with the North Side Project, construction costs continue to escalate.  SFRPD has advised us that they have no long term strategy to deal with these problems.  With a renovation of this magnitude, inclusion in the next Parks Bond (tentatively – 2019) would be an appropriate and critical funding solution.  (Both Lafayette and Dolores Parks were recipients of the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond.)  We implore all members of our park’s community to advocate for this.  Please take the time now to e-mail our Supervisor Mark Farrell at:  and request that Alta Plaza Park be part of the next Parks Bond.  



If you would like to be actively involved with Friends of Alta Plaza Park and the future of this park, WE NEED YOU!  

Janet Gamble’s involvement with F0APP will be limited to overseeing construction of the North Side Project on behalf of FOAPP and will end upon completion of the project.  Anita Denz will continue to commit herself to coordinating the CLEAN AND GREEN DAYS and the current park renovation along with Casey McGrath and Mollie Brown. 

More volunteers are needed to advocate for this park’s future and implement the Master Plan.  Please contact FOAPP at: to get involved.  

Thank you for your continued interest in our neighborhood park, Alta Plaza Park.  Please contact us with any questions or comments.


Janet and Anita
Friends of Alta Plaza Park